Wednesday, December 21, 2011


Countdown to going back to my home town..

I miss my best friend..
To bad my dog's gone.. I miss her too..

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Indonesiaku (My Indonesia)

Saw a video that was posted by my friend today.
A video of an ad done by a local cigarette company in Indonesia, featuring Indonesia and all it's richness.

Every year they will do patriotic ad that shows Indonesian's diversity of culture and people.
It's a very traditional yet very modern in execution. Result: a very sophisticated ethnic feel.

Facts about Indonesia:

There are 17,508 islands, about 6,000 of which are inhabited;

33 Province (each have their own traditional clothes, dance, song and food);

300 ethnic groups ;
742 different languages and dialects;

World's second highest level of biodiversity (after Brazil);
Papua alone have 600 different bird species;

Indonesia, ultimate diversity!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cool things today...

1. My friend's son had fever and after i talked to him he smiled and wanted me to carry him.. :)

2. Androgynous model, Andrej Pejic is awesome.. i mean SUPER AWESOME!

I found a new muse!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Costumized stockings

I guess there's nothing new with this one.
Saw the tutorial on cocorosa. It looks simply amazing and i just have to try it out.
This is just a trial piece.

I love how it turns out. Now to make a real piece.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

LIBERA is coming!!!

I went to youtube and heard Libera sing again. And after a long time not listening to them singing and i think they change some of the members, they still gave me goosebumps for their angelic voice.

Then I wonder.. will they ever come to singapore for concert?
So i went to their official blog and read that, YES!!! they are coming to singapore in 2012, April!!!

It'll be awesome!!! Can't wait!!!

For those of you who never heard of Libera before, since it's christmas u better start!
It's a perfect season to listen to them singing. Start with their Carol of the Bells!

Good Morning, world!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Studded Shoes

I'm crazy about shoes.
Then again who doesn't..

I was dying to get my hands on studded stuff since forever but just manage to get a good bargain for studs back in my home town. Things here are sooo friggin expensive.. x_X

So i started out with shoes..
found a black shoes with (I'm so lucky!) black and gray checks that happens to be the same size as my studs.
Next thing i know i stud the thing like a crazy person. Lol


LOVE!!! X3

Wazzup, Peeps..


Babies and dogs

While i was watching videos of basset hounds on youtube, reminiscing on how good it is to have my own dog, and finally decided that the fishes that occupies my fish tank at home is retarded (thank you, Glen), i bump into this cute video of a kid hugging a St. Bernard named Lucy.

I would love to have a dog like that. Even i can't be that patient with a kid sometimes.. Lol
As cute as it is i wonder how many dogs can be so patient with a kid?
Not all scenario of babies and kids ended with cute pictures such as this.

And so there goes..
Until now (which is like 3 days after i saw the video), I'm still intrigued by pictures of dogs and babies hanging out together..

Uber cuteness!!! >_<"